Todo-Coloured-PDFThe To-Do List is a total game-changer, particularly if you have to beat a workload. To-Do lists enable us to remain focused. The assignments are written down all in one location with a To-Do list so that anything important is not missed out. This also helps to prioritize things such that the sequence in which you want them finished can be scheduled. You will concentrate your time and resources on high-value tasks and be extremely efficient by prioritizing them smartly. And you can be more organized and efficient by using a to-do list effectively. This beautifully designed To-Do list is a delight to ice cream lovers as this comes in yummy shades of pink and blue with little sprinkles on the sides. This To-Do list is perfect for noting down all the tasks you want to be done. It also has a space to note down the priority tasks and a little place for your notes too.